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Acoustic Solutions


Innovative Solutions for a Quieter World

Aeroacoustic noise reduction

Aeroacoustic sound mitigation techniques are vital for addressing the noise challenges posed specially by both airplanes and wind turbines. In the aviation industry, mitigating aircraft noise is essential for minimizing the environmental impact and improving the overall flying experience. The most noise generated by airplanes are ultra-low frequencies (below 100 Hz).

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Underwater noise reduction

Underwater noise poses a significant threat to marine life and ecosystems, disrupting communication, navigation, feeding, reproduction, and survival. It can also impact human activities that depend on underwater systems. Marine animals rely heavily on sound for communication, navigation, foraging, and even detecting potential threats.

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Heat pump noise reduction

The European heat pump market has been experiencing significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly heating solutions. In 2021, the market witnessed a remarkable milestone, with 2.17 million heat pump units sold across Europe, representing a sales record and indicating a positive trend in the industry.


Transportation industries

Based on the EU strategy of Environmental Noise Directive (END), a range of noise-reduction actions and measures should be implemented by 2030. “Regulation on the Sound Level of Motor Vehicle”, states that, for instance, the maximum sound level of new passenger cars type M1 in 2026 should be no louder than 68 dB(A) (needs 4 dB(A) noise reduction compared to 2016). 

Thermo-Acoustic Solutions

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Stable burner

Many of the current industrial burners exhibit thermo-acoustic instability. Therefore, it is critical to design both the upstream and downstream sides of the burner to avoid operating the system at the burner's unstable frequency.


Air intake silencer (snorkel)

We have design, made and tested a compact air intake silencer which is open from both sides and it works as a broadband muffler that can stabilize the current burners/boilers at almost all range of frequencies.

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Industrial Acoustic diode

ATA Mute Acoustic diodes are alternative solutions to stabilize current combustion setups.


Measurement equipment

Measuring the thermo-acoustic performance of industrial combustion appliances is now achievable using our measuring tools.

Household appliance noise reduction

Noise Pollution (NP) is the second biggest environmental disease in Europe, (after air pollution), as reported by EHPA and WHO. The most important effect is the loss of sleep. Therefore, acoustic mitigation in household appliances plays a crucial role in enhancing our daily lives. By reducing the noise generated by these appliances, it helps create a more peaceful and comfortable living environment.

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